平山 貴美子 | 京都府立大学大学院生命環境科学研究科森林植生学研究室
論文 | ランダム
- IS-5 Higher numbers of transferred embryos may have better pregnancy outcomes in high responders undergoing in-vitro fertilization(Group1 Reproduction1,International Session)
- Liver regeneration is impaired by FK778 in partially hepatectomized rats, while supplemental uridine restores both liver growth and hepatocyte proliferation
- Activity of Tacrolimus: An Immunosuppressant, in Pyloric Ligation Induced Peptic Ulcer in Rat
- Vortex Shedding and Vortex Formation from a Pair of In-Line Forced Oscillating Parallel Arranged Two Circular Cylinders : (In the Case of Unequal Diameter)
- Stabilization mechanism of clarithromycin tablets under gastric pH conditions