早坂 義雄 | Miyagi Pref. For. Expt. Sta.
論文 | ランダム
- Heat Transport of Powder as the Subject of Cryogenic Insulation : 2nd Report, Heat Conduction under Vacuum
- Heat Transport of Powder as the Subject of Cryogenic Insulation : 1st Report, Effective Thermal Conductivity at Atmospheric and Low Pressures
- A Method of Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Solid Materials by Transient Hot Wire Method of Comparison
- B型慢性肝炎 (患者さんの背景・病態で考える 薬の選び方・使い方のエッセンス) -- (肝・胆・膵)
- 肝硬変・慢性肝不全のプライマリケア(病診連携を含めて) (特集 プライマリケア医のための肝臓疾患診療マニュアル)