森下 雄一郎 | 産業技術総合研究所(AIST)計測標準研究部門(NMIJ)
論文 | ランダム
- Possible Involvement of ROS Forming and Scavenging Enzymes as well as Protein Kinases in Acibenzolar-S-methyl Induced Systemic Resistance Against Anthracnose Disease in Cucumber (Abstracts Presented at the Meeting of the Kanto Division)
- 鎌倉末期における「公方」について : 網野善彦・五味文彦両氏の見解の対立にふれて
- Configuration and Spectrum of Radiatively-Driven Winds from an Accretion Disk(Poster)
- 基礎講座(第5回)可変動弁機構
- Activities of Principal Photosynthetic and Photorespiratory Enzymes in Leaf Mesophyll and Bundle Sheath Protoplasts from the C_3-C_4 Intermediate Flaveria ramosissima