山本 貴嗣 | 帝京大学医学部/内科
論文 | ランダム
- 書評 ジョン・トーピー著(藤川隆男監訳)『パスポートの発明--監視・シティズンシップ・国家』
- Population structure, egg production and gut content pigment of large grazing copepods during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region
- Comparison of Hepatitis B Virus DNA, RNA, and Core Related Antigen as Predictors of Lamivudine Resistance in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B
- Long-Term Management of Hepatitis C-Seropositive Subjects with AntiOxidant Biofactor (AOB®), a Fermented Food Supplement
- Developing New BDF (Bio Diesel Fuel) Program towards Zero Emission