澤口 勇雄 | For. Forest Prod. Res. Inst.
論文 | ランダム
- A14 児童の数概念の形成に関する研究 : 小数の乗法のcompartmentalizationに焦点をあてて(A.理解・認知・思考分科会)
- Social Decision Considering Subjective Feelings (Mathematical Analysis of Uncertainty and Decision Making)
- Social optimization in the emission trading of greenhouse gases (不確実な状況における意思決定の理論と応用--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- A Distinction among Stable Equilibria in a Noncooperative Game (不確実性の下での意思決定と数理モデル--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- SELECTION OF A DESIRABLE EQUILIBRIUM BY SUBJECTIVE MOTIVE DISTRIBUTIONS (Mathematical Theory and Applications of Uncertainty Sciences and Decision Making)