山本 千夏 | 東京理科大学総合研究機構バイオオルガノメタリクス研究部門
論文 | ランダム
- Nano-Kinetics of Probe-Particles in Solution Visualized by a Pin-Fiber Video Scope
- analysis of the Nano-Kinetic Movement of a Single DNA by a Pin-Fiber Video Scope
- A Single-Cell Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass-Spectroscopic Assay of the Cell-Maturation Process
- New stacked metal-insulator-metal capacitor with high capacitance density for future InP-based ICs (Special issue: Solid state devices and materials)
- 道元禅解釈の一視点--「即心是仏」の心について